Introduction to Printmaking – Morning Course
(Six week morning course)
3 places available
Every Wednesday 6th March to 10th April 9.30am – 12.30pm
Place: Atelier St Louis Malton, Malton.
Cost: £190 All materials included
Phone: 01653 697460
There will be a maximum of 4 people on this course.
Contact me about bespoke courses, one-to-one and designed just for you.
About the course:
The morning course is a possibility to absorb yourself all things print related. It is an opportunity to try out relief printing (lino), drypoint, engraving and collagraph. A good introduction to materials, skills and techniques. All techniques will be demonstrated.
Suitable for beginners and those who want to update their skills.
All materials included.
To book this course:
Please pay the full amount by PayPal, to secure your place.